A Match in the Making by Jen Turano

Miss Gwendolyn Brinley accepted a temporary paid companion position for the Newport summer season, believing it would be a lark to spend the summer in America’s most exclusive town. She suddenly finds her summer turning anything but amusing when her employer expects her to take over responsibilities as an assistant matchmaker. Tasked with the daunting prospect of attaining advantageous matches for her clients, Gwendolyn soon finds herself in the employ of Mr. Walter Townsend, the catch of the Season, but a gentleman Gwendolyn finds beyond irritating.

Walter Townsend is reluctantly in search of a wife for the sake of his unruly motherless children who cannot keep a governess for long. What he wasn’t expecting was Miss Brinley, an amateur matchmaker who turns his quest for a new wife into a complete and utter debacle. Constantly besieged by society ladies on a mission to win his affection, Walter must find a way to overcome their inundating attention—and his unexpected attraction toward Gwendolyn.

The more time they spend together throughout the Newport Season, the harder it is for Gwendolyn to find Walter a wife when she realizes his perfect match might be…her.

A Match in the Making is the first book in Jen Turano’s brand new Matchmaker’s series, but is just one in a LONG line of wonderful stories that she has created. Ever since I first discovered Jen’s works many, many years ago, she has been one of my all-time favorite authors, and with each new book she only continues to solidify her place on that list.

Let me start by saying I actually typically don’t love to read novels that feature children in such a large capacity. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE kids and I definitely think they can add much to a story, but I’m currently a mom of a toddler. And I absolutely love him more than life itself. But when I read, I want to escape my current surroundings and spend time resting, relaxing, and getting lost in a world full of someone else’s life situation.

All that being said, I can’t imagine Gwendolyn and Walter’s story without the delightful addition of Walter’s children. They bring so much life to the twists and turns this story takes, and just based on Walter’s true reasons for seeking out the matchmakers in the first place, it only makes sense that his children should be so much at the forefront of his journey to the altar.

One of the hallmarks of Jen’s novels that is part of what makes them so special is the thread of humor that she weaves all through each story, and the addition of the many scrapes her heroines always seem to find themselves in. I think Gwendolyn might be one of my favorites of all of Jen’s heroines because not only did she find herself in many such scrapes and yet still rise above them, she was so real about them. Every time something new and unexpected was thrown her way, she wasn’t afraid to be honest about how much she did not appreciate the situation. I found that to be so refreshing.

Anyways, now that I’ve rambled on far too long, it’s time I wrap this up. A Match in the Making is the perfect beginning to another wonderful new series by Jen, and I cannot wait to read the rest of the trilogy. I highly recommend this story, and everything else she has ever written, to any and every historical fiction fan. Pick up this novel as soon as you get a chance, you won’t regret it!

Rating: 5 of 5 bookshelves

Recommend: YES!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.


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